Club Rules

Kawasaki Triples Club Rules 2018

Updated 29.5.2018

  • Name

    a) The “Kawasaki Triples Club” shall be the official name of the organisation, thereafter called “the Club”
    b) The Club is not associated with KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (UK) LTD, or KAWASAKI MOTORS EUROPE N.V. trading as KAWASAKI MOTORS UK in any way.

  • Aims and objectives

    a. Any person is eligible for Membership subject to the discretion of the Committee, except those that have been expelled from the club under Rule 3d (below).
    b. Payment of Membership fees: – these are to be paid Annually from the 1st January and expire on the 31st of December the same year.
    c. Honorary membership for elected committee members while serving on the committee.
    d. Expulsion in event of serious wrongdoing. Following a thorough and fair investigation by the committee or committee members authorised by the committee a member may be expelled for serious wrongdoing.
    (Examples of serious wrongdoing could be bringing the club into disrepute by dealing in stolen parts or following fair warnings repeated and continuing failure to comply with club rules.)
    e. Honorary life Membership to be given to Mr R Brett.

  • Club Officials, and Duties of Club Officials

    President:/Patron:- Shall be the official head of the Club,
    Chairman:- Shall be Chair at all meetings and shall have the casting vote.
    Vice Chairman/Secretary:- Shall perform the duties of the Chairman in his absence.
    The Vice Chairman/Secretary shall also keep full and correct minutes of all resolutions and proceedings at meetings of the Club and Committee, shall apply within the times prescribed for such registration and renewals required by statute.
    Shall be responsible to the Committee for the conduct and management of the affairs of the Club.
    Membership Secretary:- Shall keep a register containing the names and addresses of all members, a record showing the dates of payments by them of subscriptions, and an up to date list of current membership.
    Treasurer:- Shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs on the Club, credit all moneys received, submit a statement of all financial affairs of the Club to the Annual General Meeting.
    Be responsible for the payment of the clubs Bills and ensuring that the liability insurance is kept up to date and fit for purpose.
    Regalia Secretary:- To be responsible for the running of the Club shop, to include the purchase and maintenance of the club regalia.
    Events Secretary:- Event planning, design and production within time limits. Provide feedback and periodic reports to Committee and at the AGM.
    Ensure compliance with insurance, legal, health and safety obligations at club sponsored events.
    Web Master:- It’s the webmaster’s role to maintain a web site that is compatible with various browsers, fixing broken links and images, which are held on club web site but not those posted by others just to name a few.
    They are also responsible for purchasing the website’s domain name and choosing a server
    Club magazine Editor:- To edit and produce four magazines a year for the club membership. To be responsible for the cost-efficient printing and posting of the above magazine.

    Committee:To manage the business and affairs of the Club.
    The Committee shall be elected at the club AGM and shall consist at least of the following officers:
    Chairman, Vice Chairman/Secretary and Treasurer,
    In addition, the Events Secretary, Membership Secretary, Web Master, Regalia Secretary and/or other committee posts may be created or removed at the discretion of the Club committee.
    Officers of the Club Committee must be a paid-up member at the time of their Election
    Only current full members may vote at the election of officers.

    Any changes to rules to be submitted to the Secretary at least 30 days before AGM in writing and to be delivered by signed for post.

  • Club Affiliation

    The club currently is affiliated to the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF). It is intended that this affiliation should continue due to the benefits such affiliation provides. For example, specialist insurance and member discounts.

  • Club Insurance

    The club will arrange for adequate insurance. Currently this is arranged through the membership of the BMF. The Committee currently recognise that Insurance required is to include:
    Public Liability – for club participation at club authorised events.
    Member to Member Liability
    Management Liability
    Liability arising from goods sold
    Liability for damage to hired premises
    Employers Liability
    The provision of club insurance is not intended to be and is not a replacement for members to have insurance in place for their own motorcycles. Members taking part in club events must ensure that they have sufficient insurance cover as is required by law for use on the road or for display at club events.

  • Finance Arrangements

    All expenditure for club must be approved prior to payment.
    a. An Emergency or contingency fund to be kept, if practicable, to cover the cost of any excess on the club’s insurance policy.
    b. Subject to an annual review to check that sufficient Club funds are available, the Club will pay £100 for each member who has displayed a motorcycle at the October Stafford Classic Motorcycle Show. Payments will be paid after the event. No advance is available. To prevent any doubt the payment is for each member not each bike.

  • Meetings

    Annual General Meeting.
    Notice of A.G.M. to be given in club Magazine or if an Emergency AGM is required notice will be given by post.
    Votes to be carried by simple majority.

  • All Official Events to be Authorised by the Club Committee

    and be run under the Club events Guidelines. These are available on request.

  • Regalia and Titles

    All emblems designed by or on behalf of the Club are subject to copyright and may only be used as directed by the Club Committee. Regalia bearing the legend “Kawasaki Triples Club” may only be produced by agents acting on behalf of the Club.